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Monday, August 16, 2010


I once read a joke about friendship

A: What ship wouldn't sink forever?
B: Titanic?
A: Naw..... it's friendship.

well, for me all ships are destined to sink, including friendship.
once upon a time, there are two travelers who travel around the world by boat. they stock pile all the necessary equipment and supply for the journey. they are A and B. A are very careful in consuming the supplies, while B are not. this is due to their different background. this become no problem at all since the proportion of the supplies also determine that A only have 10% of B's. however, B are taking a little of A's during the journey although B also share his supplies. to cut the story short, A's supplies have been depleted in middle way, since the 10% resource consumed by 2 people. knowing this, B begin to think that there is nothing s/he can get anymore from A, and s/he kick A from the boat.

a tragic story, isn't it? but that is what I think about friendship.
you miss one letter of "r", it will become fiend-ship instead.
you omit "n", it will be fried-ship.
scary, isn't it? but the fortunate news is that, there is no "friend" at all. you don't know what they are doing behind you, what they are planning to do to you or what they are really think of you. Right?
there are always two ways of thinking, anyway. negative or positive. you may say that friend will always do positive to you. "IT'S NOT TRUE!" I may say. there no such thing as free lunch and thus no such things as friends. they are just some "strangers" whose name and other identity you are accidentally know, but in the end they are your competitors who are pursuing the same goal as you, even sacrifice you in the middle way.

as the illustration of unsinkable ship, there is no such ship that needs no stop at all. all ship will have to go to a destination or transit at some ports to replenish the supplies. even some ship will never return since they are attacked by pirates, natural disaster like storms and so on. thus friendship is not unsinkable and friend will someday lost its "r" or "n".

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wait Till You're Older

When you read this post's title, maybe you're remember a film of Andy Lau with the same title. I've watched this film a couple of time and also the Curious Case of Benjamin Button. If you have ever watched these two movies, you will see an opposite view of life. The first movie tells a story about growing up rapidly, while the second one tells the case where the life is moving backward. However, if we take a while of our time to think about these movies, what is the meaning behind them? I think, both of the movies want to tell us about one thing. It is about time. Both tells us that our life is only once and it is a one way ticket, there is no turning point. For me, the first movie, although it is a fiction, tells us not to speed up our life to become older. For every step in our life, from baby till died, there is something that we have to experience. There is no use to speed up our life span, since it is already limited. The time will not come back and you will be regretful to not having as much time as others, to reconcile or do something important. The second movie tells about life a live in a backward way. For me, this one also tells about time that will not come back. Although you experiencing a backward life cycle, it does not mean that you can do as you like. at the end, you will face and reach the finish line. The ending of the film shows one similarity as well. Both shows efforts to reconcile with people around them before the main characters die. this can also means preparing for the death. So, here is the question: What will you do to make you ready in facing death? Will you regret what you've done?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

and the opportunity was gone

Today is the national general election. From the beginning, Government already tried to remind people to vote. even, KPU reminds people through sms. Actually, I really wanted to participate in this election, since this will be my first experience in general election events. However, one small thing that happened this morning made me lose that opportunity.
I still remember my lecturer Ms. Han Weilin ever told me that do not ever be a "GOLPUT". Why? by not vote, actually we give away the governance to the people who we don't like. these people sometimes will not have the same vision with us. therefore it is a bad idea to be golput.
I have planned to go back to my hometown to participate in this event a couple of days ago. My mom booked a seat from one of travel agency and the departure will be at around 7 a.m. I have been prepared everything, including waking up in the morning, which is very hard for me, so that I will not miss it. Unfortunately, the travel agency is such a terrible agency. I've waited for one and a half hour until I decided to cancel it. This cancellation brings up a lot of consecuences for me. I have to cancel the other ticket thet I've been booked for tomorrow, I lost my valuable time waiting for nothing, which can be used to finish my assignment, and ultimately I lost my opportunity to participate as a good civilian. For the agency, it is very bad for them to did such a thing to their customers. Travel Agency is a service business that should concern with customer satisfaction. However, this agency is not concerned at all with the consumer satisfaction. The call center was a f***ed lady who does not know how to react towards complaints. I complained for the lateness. The call center lady harshly hang up the telephone. what a mistake for a service business doing something like that.
From what I've learned, the company could suffer a big distrust from the customer with this kind of behavior from their front line people. When we are still in this crisis, it is wiser to keep the current customers instead of looking for a new ones. Customer is not a king at all time, but the one who will decide whether he/she want to use the service is the customer. Therefore, company should have comparative advantage in order to win the competition. the essence in travel agency business should be delivering people and goods to the destination with punctuality. However, the reality in this agency is so far with the ideal one. To be able to serve better, they need to improve the effectiveness of choosing the shortest route so that the time consumptions could be minimized. Then, the agency needs to committed doing this continuosly. when they cannot deliver their promises, they should learn how to dealt with customer and keep the customer loyal to the agency.
And at last, my opportunity was gone. what I can do now is to finish my assignments and preparing for the midterm.............

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Soul Mate from God

A few days ago, one of my friends post this article about soul mate from God. this article is quite good and it is very true indeed in my opinion. Unfortunately it is in Bahasa Indonesia and I still do not have time to translate it to English. I'll try my best, but for now please enjoy this Bahasa's version.

"Bertahun-tahun yang lalu, Aku berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk memberikan
pasangan hidup, "Engkau tidak memiliki pasangan karena engkau tidak
memintanya", Tuhan menjawab. Tidak hanya Aku meminta kepada Tuhan,
Aku menjelaskan kriteria pasangan yang kuinginkan.
Aku menginginkan pasangan yang baik hati, lembut, mudah mengampuni,
hangat, jujur, penuh dengan damai dan sukacita, murah hati, penuh
pengertian, pintar, humoris, penuh perhatian.. Aku bahkan memberikan
kriteria pasangan tersebut secara fisik yang selama ini kuimpikan.
Sejalan dengan berlalunya waktu, Aku menambahkan daftar kriteria
yang kuinginkan dalam pasanganku.
Suatu malam, dalam doa, Tuhan berkata dalam hatiku,
" Hamba-Ku, Aku tidak dapat memberikan apa yang engkau inginkan.
Aku bertanya, "Mengapa Tuhan?" dan Ia menjawab,
" Karena Aku adalah Tuhan dan Aku adalah Adil. Aku adalah Kebenaran
dan segala yang Aku lakukan adalah benar."
Aku bertanya lagi, "Tuhan, aku tidak mengerti mengapa aku tidak dapat memperoleh apa yang aku pinta dari-Mu?"
Jawab Tuhan, "Aku akan menjelaskannya kepada-Mu, Adalah suatu
ketidak adilan dan ketidak benaran bagi-Ku untuk memenuhi
keinginanmu karena Aku tidak dapat memberikan sesuatu yang bukan seperti engkau.
Tidaklah adil bagi-Ku untuk memberikan seseorang yang penuh dengan cinta dan kasih kepadamu jika terkadang engkau masih kasar, atau memberikan seseorang yang pemurah tetapi engkau
masih kejam, atau seseorang yang mudah mengampuni tetapi engkau
sendiri masih suka menyimpan dendam, seseorang yang sensitif, namun engkau sendiri tidak..."
Kemudian Tuhan berkata kepadaku,
"Adalah lebih baik jika Aku memberikan kepadamu seseorang
yang Aku tahu dapat menumbuhkan segala kualitas yang engkau cari selama ini
daripada membuat engkau membuang waktu mencari seseorang yang sudah mempunyai semuanya itu. Pasanganmu akan berasal dari tulangmu dan dagingmu, dan engkau akan melihat dirimu
sendiri di dalam dirinya dan kalian berdua akan menjadi satu.
Pernikahan adalah seperti sekolah - suatu pendidikan jangka panjang.
Pernikahan adalah tempat dimana engkau dan pasanganmu akan saling
menyesuaikan diri dan tidak hanya bertujuan untuk menyenangkan hati
satu sama lain, tetapi untuk menjadikan kalian manusia yang lebih
baik, dan membuat suatu kerjasama yang solid. Aku tidak memberikan
pasangan yang sempurna karena engkau tidak sempurna.
Aku memberikanmu seseorang yang dapat tumbuh bersamamu."
Kisah Ini untuk: yang sudah menikah, yang baru saja menikah, yang sedang mencari.."

I hope you will be blessed by this story......

Thursday, March 26, 2009

it's been a long time

It's been a while (almost 3 months though) since I post my last one.I hope this is not the last also.
Recently, I have been thinking about how to make money online. I search several websites, books, or information about my idea. However, the results is a big zero. All of the information is contradicting one another. In some websites, they promised the easiest way to get money from Internet by paying some amount of money. The other sites, believed that the way offered in another site is a fake one. The funny thing here is that this websites that believe their way the the right, legitimate, easy and faster has the same characteristics with all of those website offering fast and easy money on Internet. This make me think that maybe, they use this method to make them receive their money by cheating other people in Internet. The amount is not much for the info, less that $15. But the role of multipliers will make this small amount become a huge and massive amount. In the end I canceled my intention to pay the fee. I've been thinking why there is no internet police to watch any form of cheating, and abusing and so on and so forth.
Once again, if there is no good, there is no evil. Everything below the sky has a purpose. Let us see the open door rather than mourning on the closed door.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

happy (tried to) holiday

horray........ it's holiday. a week of holiday i was waiting for. i can sleep as long as i want to. there is no assignment at all. group project? none of them. it's a lovely holiday..........playing game all the day............ reading novels............ hang out with friends.......... sigh............. if only this was the reality and not just daydreaming...............

Friday, September 19, 2008

interesting story

i have this interesting story that, at least for me is interesting. today, September 19th, i watched new students in my ethics tutorial group playing game journey of life. we divided into five groups consist of 2 member. we played for around 15 minutes, until one of them got events card that mention they only got 3 times chance before they die of cancer. their friend, laugh at them since after three chances, they cannot finish the game. however, when this guy who laugh get another events card, it is worse since his group cannot continue the game. this guys only said, "don't curse other. it'll deflected back at you......" with a sour face.